Thursday, February 17, 2011

reviews on my anthology

(I'd like to thank all these people who gave their precious time to read an unknown writer like me)

Gerry Huntman's review

Feb 16, 11

status: Read from February 15 to 17, 2011

It is unusual for me to pick up and read a literary work, especially by a debut author. I am too busy a person to normally wander away from what I like the most, which is speculative fiction and non-fiction. I certainly wish I read 'literary' fiction more, and poetry, for that matter.

I am therefore very pleased to say that I managed the time and took the 'leap' to read Christos Rodoulla Tsiailis' short anthology, Throwing Dice On A Chessboard. It most certainly was worthwhile.

Before I give my general impression of the work, and provide some detail on each of the short stories, I should dispense with an important area of improvement needed in the work. Christos is a Greek Cypriot and English is not his first language. While I am astounded with Christos' mastery of elements of the English language, including an immense vocabulary, his work is unfortunately well represented with spelling, grammar and proofing issues. The classic (turning up several times in the first half reading of the anthology, is 'lose' versus 'loose' - fundamentally different meaning and hard to miss the eyesore). Accuracy of tense is another common issue. I wont belabor the point - this book needs a good editorial treatment, and probably indicative of a work that is self published.

BUT... and it is really important to 'but'-in - this flaw is seriously overshadowed by a clearly talented and well-developed writer. This man is definitely going places.

Some works of fiction have a style that is more poetic than narrative based. This is just such a case. While there are cases of choices of words that perhaps are not quite right from a broad English idiomatic viewpoint, Christos has succeeded in expanding narrative to a level where unique phrases ARE apt, poetic, penetrating. I am a writer and I have learned things about expression in the English language from Christos. I thank him for that, in itself.

Each of Christos' stories in this anthology are penetrating - loaded with metaphor and evocative imagery. There isn't a single character who is two-dimensional - in many cases they are four-dimensional, if it is at all possible.

Perhaps to suffer being labeled a generaliser in this critique, the stories focus fair and square on characters, and this is somewhat supported by his (an artistic piece in itself) preface.

None of Tsiailis' stories depict a normal world. Not one. They are super-normal, but by doing this, he provides the reader with a super-understanding of human nature, and what it is to be normal, and why 'normalcy' is in fact a lie.

This, perhaps, is what I like most about the anthology.

As I stated above his Preface is a piece of quality writing in itself. Tsiailis chose to write it almost like a literary essay - he makes a bold statement - there is no originality left in literature, so his stories will be a presentation of carefully produced thefts - but nothing is obvious in Christos' work - his imagery is centred around

the 'sounds' of smoke - he is deliberately obfuscating in his Preface and is in fact going to provide the reader with stories (smoke) that have sound. Originality in my mind.

The following are brief appraisals of each of the short stories:

White Night Stones - This was a great start to the anthology as it immediately presented Tsiailis' writing skills at its near-optimum. This story is essentially about a young girl's thoughts and revelations while attending a wedding function, and provides an insight into her world, which encompasses her family and her extended community. It is honest and delves deeply into her psyche, and it is

superimposed (presented, so to speak) via her growing understanding of the behavior of bats in the night garden outside the wedding function. Her growth of understanding of how bats can 'see' in the dark run parallel with her growth into a woman. It was a strong and penetrating piece.

Nilusha Thilangi Kariyawasam - This short story was nothing short of superb. Utterly superb. I cannot grasp why Christos chose to write such an insightful piece set in Sri Lanka, with Sri Lankan protagonists, but it worked - mightily well. The simple and devastatingly sad story of a woman's relationship with her daughter, and how it got complicated with her father, siblings and the nature of the community and society that these people were/are in, are revealed by simple second person discussion is impressive, and made the more readable by a hint, tinge of the religious supernatural. This is not a happy story, and yet it succeeds in part to uplift one's spirit. This anthology is worth buying just for this story.

A Black Car Radio - is one story that, for me, doesn't quite succeed in hitting its target, although again, is well written. Again the metaphors are skillfully constructed - the middle aged businessman, with complex psychological issues, finding his life centred around the

long journey to work and back, complicated by his unhealthy reliance on his radio and the tree-lined terrain lining the highway he was driving on. In my view Christos tried to push this too hard, to wring as much insight into the character as he could, where perhaps it was redundant to do so - I got it about halfway. Also, the conclusion - which I will not spoil for others - might have exploited the metaphor too far. Nevertheless, it was still a good read.

One SMS Behind - another very good story. Can't give anything away here, but I can say that this is the first story where there is a twist at the end. Superficially, the twist controls the story and yet, when revising what I read in the story as a whole, it is a secondary force. What makes this story very very good is its insight, depth of presentation of the main character. It captures - you can almost smell - the Mediterranean, young, party set, alive and convincing - youthful, energetic, indestructible (irony here), and yet set in context with the 'real world' outside. Perhaps more than anything, Christos is telling us that some realities are short lived, fleeting.

Hi, I'm Stephan; I Am A Triplet Child - this is a lovely short story, that on the surface is a vignette - a slice of a day of triplet children in a household, and yet it really is about the nature of the 'secret' behaviors, relationships betwixt multiple birth siblings, and how it further complicates as it extends to the rest of the family, friends and community (school in this case). This is not nearly as deep or penetrating as his other stories, but is rings of truth, and sensibly, he leaves the deepest undercurrents of being a triplet to our imagination.

Shallow Oceans - this is one of my less liked stories, but it was intriguing. I think, like A Black Car Radio, it tried too much. Again, I don't want to give too much away, but it, in my mind, is constructed of three parallel elements - a diver diving and what happens to him, the surrealistic affects of a brain being affected by some event during the dive, and a treatment of what consciousness is using the metaphor of the previous two elements. Tough gig in my mind. I don't think it quite worked, but there are very good surrealist scenes being portrayed. I felt put off by footnoting of neurological terminologies - I think the use of it is a symptom of the excessive effort Tsiailis is making.

The last three short stories - I will comment as one - they really are a triptych - Up There On The Fig Tree, The Coffin Maker, and The Hotel Owner - these three titles represents the three phases of Stavros, the protagonist. It is a depressing story of a man who was abused in a most unusual way through his childhood, and how this forms the kernel of his unusual, stunted, largely unhappy life. The fig tree is the key symbol in these three stories, which I will leave for you to discover. The tree is the tool by which he is so grievously stunted (like the tree itself), and it is the tree that becomes the raw material for the remainder of his life (in being there in his life, and by creating an ugly hole in his life in its absence). And yet life goes on, which is certainly the theme of the third story, and proves that some positivism can emerge from a long lifetime of darkness, incongruity. This is a very good story (stories - very unusual to do it this way, perhaps it should have been more structured so this is obvious from a title point of view), among Christos' best.

In summary, we have a wonderful, evocative writer here, and the only real negative of this anthology (other than it was in my mind too short), is the weakness in the English language. And yet, the strength of his themes, imagery and characterization transcends this to a high degree, making the majority of his stories highly worthwhile to read. Even the weaker stories (in my estimation) have merit, and contribute to the anthology as a whole.

I highly recommend this anthology to discerning, thinking readers.

Throwing Dice On A Chessboard

Christos Rodoulla Tsiailis

ISBN: 9781449081119


Reviewed By Karynda Lewis

Official Apex Reviews Rating:

Regardless of whatever difficulties we may face, we all have the power to shape our own fates. No matter how insurmountable our situations may seem, we are equipped with all the necessary mental, physical, and spiritual tools we need to overcome the obstacles that block our paths on the road of life. The only problem? Whether or not we have the strength of faith to empower us to endure.

Such is the central premise of

Throwing Dice On A Chessboard, the new collection of short stories by author Christos Tsiailis. Throughout the pages of his collection, Tsiailis introduces the reader to seven different characters, each facing his/her own unique challenges. Far from superhuman icons, Tsiailis' protagonists are average, everyday figures to which readers are sure to relate, each with the power to transform him/herself for the better — or worse. Just as we all are every day, the characters in Throwing Dice On A Chessboard are faced with the everchanging vicissitudes of life, and the ultimate success or failure of their efforts rests on their individual abilities to heed the cosmic ebb and flow that perpetually sways all of our actions. As such, Tsiailis' insightful tome is drawn straight from the pages of everyday life, particularly when it comes to the significance of the ongoing battles we wage against the demons within us all. An enlightening read.

Review by Lupoman on Library Thing

"I enjoyed reading this collection very much. It was thought provoking and I thought the author did an excellent job in writing it.. I recommend this book to whomever wants to read something unique but a little unusual." (Lupoman)

Review by Dan on Goodreads

"I really enjoyed this collection of short stories. My absolute favorite has to be "Nilusha Thilangi Kariyawasam" and it's about a conversation that takes place, impossible so it seems, but there it is, plain as day. I highly recommend this book to whomever wants something different, but at the same time a quick read. " (Dan)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

απόφθεγμα 19

"there's only only one reason powerful enough to read a book.  Because it came your way.  Any white page in a book is even more radiant than the TV screen in front of your eyes" 

απόφθεγμα 18

"Ο πνευματικός κόσμος του παιδιού δεν είναι απαραίτητα και θρησκευτικός.  Στην εποχή που η θρησκεία ξεμπροστιάζεται και ο παπάς υπονομεύεται, είναι καιρός πια οι δάσκαλοι και οι γονείς να σταμήσουν να τον εκθειάζουν και όντας οι ίδιοι πνευματικοί ηγέτες πλέον, να δημιουργήσουν εκ νέου με το δικό τους παράδειγμα τον πνευματικό κόσμο που ποικιλοτρόπως υπολείπεται του τεχνοκρατικού."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Τώρα τι;

(αφιερωμένο στους φίλους της γιορτής του έρωτα) (εγώ το γιορτάζω πάντα) (τι με ξινοκοιτάς;)

Ήθελα να αγγίξω τις γραφικές ρίζες των θεόρατων δέντρων στην πλούσια συνοικία της Αβάνας

Χαιρέτησα την Καρολίνα Κλουφτ στο αεροπλάνο που πήγαινε Αθήνα για τους Ολυμπιακούς

Ήθελα με σπάγγο να δέσω από το πόδι το σπουργίτι που δεν πέτυχα με τη σφενδόνη

Μάζευα σε δέσμες τις σαύρες μωρό στο προσκοπείο και τα κορίτσια τρόμαζα

Ήθελα μαζί ασβεστωμένοι να ανεβαίναμε στο αέτωμα του Παρθενώνα

Έφηβος πήδαγα τους φράκτες των σοφών μήλα φορτωμένος

Ήθελα λίγο πιο σφικτή αγκαλιά απ’ τον πατέρα μου

Ανάπνεα με δυσκολία τον αέρα όταν έλειπες

Ήθελα με λυγμούς χώρο στον έρωτά σου

Στρογγύλεψα το μηδέν στο άπειρο

Ήθελα να ακούω μελωδίες

Έγραψα μία νέα νότα

Θέλησα το τέρμα

Το ξεπέρασα



Απόφθεγμα 17

"Εσύ παίρνεις ουσίες - κατευναστικές, παραισθησιογόνες, αντιφλεγμονώδεις, παυσίπονες, διεγερτικές.  Η ... "πεμπτουσία" του Homo Digitalis.  Να το ζεις παίζοντας με την ενδοκρινολογία σου, να είσαι το αγαπημένο παιδί των πολυεθνικών - αυτοί παίρνουν παρουσίες."

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